Thursday, July 7, 2011

I have a thing for birds

I'm not sure when or how it happened, but I have a thing for birds.
Don't ask me why, maybe it is something subconscious, representing freedom, wanting my dreams to fly, who knows, but I could watch and listen to them all day long..
So of course naturally this will overflow into my work and ideas of inspiration.
 Here is just a few images to delight.

meg xxx
feather and bird tattoo....only for the brave

feather wall paper
beej owl top, kooky creatures range

beej strapless bird dress, quirky bird range
feather illustration 

crochet bird
love this illustration, don't know who did it but i love it

bird mobile

blue bird

lyre bird
crochet love birds
feather earing

beej peacock gipsy dress, cooky creatures range

peacock illustration
bird cushion

bird embroidery

paper birds

rainbow feather

feather head dress
ceramic owls
beej wrap bird skirt, quirky bird range

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Timer

So at the moment we are in India again, well for me it is again but for the Cheeky Monkey it is his first time.
What a trip it has been and to see Banjo love the life of a traveller as much as his mum it has been wonderful.I have always believed that children choose their parents for the experiences that they will give them this life and it is heart warming to see that this is true in my little one.
We are working on a new collection with some new things to excite all our Beej lovers, and of course some things for the little cheeky monkeys in all your lives too.
Here are a few photos of us so far, and soon I will post a sneak peak of what is to come for Beej 2011/2012
this is how we travel, cheeky monkey on my back!!

a mountian wedding, the women wear these amazing dresses with lots of jewels and a belt made form wool

monkey and the monks

cant get away from a bath

our little mountain home

when i'm not on mummys back i'm on pappas shoulders, what a life

glowing in India

Saturday, July 2, 2011

sleeping the day away

This morning I was lying in bed, a rare luxury these days, and I was thinking how much I loved being in bed. Before my baby it was one of the things I loved to do the most, sleeping in.
 Don't even get me started on an afternoon ciesta, wow those were the days.
I'm sure those days will come back again, but for now I hold on to those wonderful memories of long sleeps and wistful day dreaming and live vicariously through others who get to enjoy this lush experience in equally lush places.

sweet dreams all
xxx meg

Thursday, June 30, 2011

my latest addiction

Today I was thinking about addictions and how we all seem to have them. For some of us it is chocolate, maybe its cigarettes, cake, tv........ goodness only knows I've had my fair share over time.
Well thanks to my lovely friend Jen Djula of I have a new addiction and its one i'm happy to share with you all.
 Is a new website called It is a place where you can create your own virtual scrap books, journals or pin boards. call them what you like, a place to keep all you ideas and inspirations in one place as well as look at other peoples ideas and inspirations.
My addiction has become so bad that I have had to limit the amount of time I am allowed to spend there. I always say half an hour but it always turns in to 1 and a half hours.
One of my boards is titled "words to live and laugh by" I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you





Wednesday, June 29, 2011

here we go again

Well here we go again. I have dabbled in blogs before, but this time I'm serious. I know that just about everyone out there has one and I feel a bit left out.
But I just wasn't committed before, this time I am. I read a lot of blogs and now I know how the system works.

Key to a successful blog, write about what you love. So here I go, now I will only write about what I love and publish pictures of things that make me go ahhhhhhh, or ohhhhhhh or make my toes curl with excitement.

So get ready folks, welcome to my happy place and enjoy the ride.

xxx meg

The cheeky pumpkin and the wookie when ever I am with either one of them or both (which is what I prefer) I am always in my happy place.xxxx