Friday, June 8, 2012

Keeping it Real!!

So I try to do the right thing, I’m not saying I am a saint, I definitely make mistakes. I'm not big on making new years resolutions, believing that they create to much pressure upon ones self.
But this year I made a resolution that I am going to give a red hot go and so far I have done alright!!

About 3 years ago at a Finders Keepers, I brought a Keep Cup….. BPA free, restruant grade,  reusable  coffee cup. It sort of hung around the kitchen being moved around getting in my way being used every now and then. But mostly an annoying reminder that every time I forgot to take it with me to the shop I had added yet again to the growing number of disposable  take away coffee cups that add to our ever growing land fills.
So this year I decided it was time to give up the take away cups without giving up the take away coffee. So far So good.

A few facts about disposable coffee cups

500 billion disposable cups are manufactured globally every year: that’s about 75 disposable cups for every single person on the planet, placed end to end they can circumnavigate the earth 100 times

In the US 58 billion disposable cups are thrown out annually with the majority ending up in landfill; that is, 158 disposable cups for every US inhabitant.

Very little recycled paper is used to make disposable cups because of contamination concerns, most of these are coated with plastic, both composting and recycling is uncommon.

Urban rubbish has increased tenfold over the course to the 20th century, form 92 to 1242 pounds of pure product waste per person per year. At this rate, we discard approximately 14.4 times our body weight in waste every year.

For more facts on this you can go the keep cup website here

Here are also a few other funky reusable cups that I have found on my quest for the perfect cup.
So if the Keep cup isn't your style maybe one of these might be.

I do love a thermos and this one is very funky you can get it here

Kindred Spirits have these little beauties you can get them here

And you can find these awesome ones and many more at biome here

I hope this inspires you to make a difference no matter how small, even if you only do it once a week or once a month thats a start. 
Love and Light

images via, megastar1@instagram, keep cupThermosKindred Spiritsbiome

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